Out of the darkness and into the light

Monday, October 4, 2010

too fat

so I tried calling inpatient and once again they make me feel like i'm not sick enough. Makes me wanna die really...
I took an anxiety med and am trying to simmer but I have to drive allll the way to Pittsburgh for an assessment and then wait to see if they'll accept me or not.

i just want to go crazy and ubr od on diet pills right now, I feel so fat :-(

in good news, two days ago it was my birthday and I bought cute shoes:

so yeah.
I'm 22 bitchesssssssss

Not sure how much I weigh- i've been a pig lately and had to go back on abilify because I was hallucinating (fun, right? I thought my boyfriends arm was a dead cat)

Yeah. so my assessment is next week on thursday and so i have to wait forever now. a week to sit around and eat air and such.
I hate being judged. It's lkike i'm being judged for how fat I am and why I shouldn't be in inpatient- because i'm fat.

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